Final ophthalmology exam (summer course)

(1422-1423 / 2001-2002)

60 MCQs – single answer


·        أسئلة الدورة الصيفية لعام (1422-1423 \ 2001-2002)

·        60 سؤال, مده الامتحان ساعة ونصف, 100 درجه ولا يوجد oral  فقط هذا الامتحان

·        تكررت بعض الأسئلة التي جاءت في امتحان CAT  لهذا العام (1422- 1423) 

·        رأس السؤال لبعض الأسئلة ليس بالضبط ما جاء في الامتحان ولكن المعنى لا يختلف كثيرا


1.      Considering the blood supply of the eye (one false):

a)    Central retinal artery from ophthalmic artery.

b)   Central retinal artery supplies all retinal layers.

c)    Central retinal vein drainage in cavernous sinus.

d)   Retinal veins drainage in vortex.

e)   Fovea supplied by choroids.


2.    The longest muscle is:

a)    Superior oblique

b)   Inferior oblique

c)    Superior rectus

d)   Medial rectus

e)   Inferior rectus


3.    Regarding extra-ocular muscles, all true EXCEPT:

a)    Medial rectus is the main adductor

b)   Lateral rectus is the main abductor

c)    Superior rectus is the main elevator in abductor position

d)   Superior oblique is the main elevator

e)   Inferior oblique is the main elevator


4.    Lens develops from:

a)    Neuro ectoderm

b)   Mesoderm

c)    Endoderm

d)   Surface ectoderm

e)   ……………………


5.    Corneal edema, the following is the causative factor (ONE TRUE):

a)    Endothelial function

b)   Epithelial permeability

c)    Aqueous osmolarity

d)   Systemic water balance

e)   …………………..


6.    One of the following muscles when inserted lies over the macula:

a)    Superior rectus muscle

b)   Medial rectus muscle

c)    Inferior rectus muscle

d)   Superior oblique muscle

e)   Inferior oblique muscle


7.    Optic atrophy can occur in the following, EXCEPT:

a)    Chloroquine toxicity

b)   Optic neuritis

c)    Methanol toxicity

d)   Glaucoma

e)   ………………..


8.    Retinal detachment, all are relevant EXCEPT:

a.     Aphakic patient

b.    Hypermetropic patient has high risk

c.     Black curtain seen by patient sometimes

d.    Flashes may be seen by some patient

e.     Floater’s may be seen by some patient


9.    Patient with increased IOP, normal visual field & normal optic nerve the best term is:

a.     Angle closure glaucoma

b.    Open angle glaucoma

c.     Chronic glaucoma

d.    Ocular hypertension

e.     ………………………..


10.            In diabetic retinopathy, all are TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     Macroaneurysm

b.    Vitrous hemorrhage

c.     Retinal deep hemorrhage

d.    Atheroma

e.     ……………………..


11. Most common cause of conjunctivitis in Saudi Arabia is:

a.     Viral                                             (herpes simplex)

b.    Chemical

c.     Bacterial

d.    Chlamydial                                   (trachoma)

e.     Allergy


12.            Features of trachoma has all EXCEPT:

a.     Herbert’s pits

b.    Papillary hypertrophy

c.     Enotropion

d.    Tranta’s node                        (in keratoconjunctivitis)

e.     Trichiasis


13.            Case of hyphema, the following treatment will be effective EXCEPT:

a.     Reassure the patient and send to home with active life

b.    Treatment should be immediately started

c.     Treatment of 2o glaucoma should be taken in care

d.    Rebleeding is possible

e.     ………………………..


14.            Regarding treatable blindness in Saudi Arabia (ONE is TRUE):

a.     Less than preventable blindness

b.    More than 50%

c.     10.5%

d.    ………………….

e.     ……………………


15.            In aphakic patient, all are TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     The implanted lens will make objects smaller

b.    Patient is hypermetropic

c.     Management with intra-ocular lens

d.    In children better corrected with contact lens & glasses

e.     …………………………………..


16.            Management of corneal ulcer (ONE TRUE):

a.     Patch the eye      (Never patch the eye in corneal ulcer because patching the eye helps bacterial growth)

b.    Frequent topical antibiotic

c.     Oral antibiotic

d.    Intra-ocular antibiotic

e.     ……………………………..


17.            In vernal keratoconjunctivitis, all TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     In children and young adult

b.    Swab of papillae will show lymphocytes        (Shows esinophils)

c.     Tranta’s dots seen in limbus

d.    Has effect on conjunctiva and limbus

e.     After 15 years of age disappear


18.            Astigmatism (ONE TRUE):

a.     Different corneal meridion

b.    Can be corrected surgically

c.     Does not cause amblyopia in children

d.    ………………………………

e.     …………………………………


19.            Patient has exotropia, the light reflex will be:

a.     Temporal to pupil center

b.    Nasal to pupil center

c.     Temporal to limbus

d.    Inferior to pupil center

e.     Above pupil center


20.          After removal of lens the eye becomes:

a.     Highly astigmatism

b.    Emetropic

c.     Highly myopic

d.    Highly hypermetropic

e.     …………………………..


21.            All of the following are causes of leukocoria, EXCEPT:

a.     Persistent hyperplastic primary vitrous

b.    Glaucoma

c.     Coat’s disease

d.    Retinopathy of prematurity

e.     Congenital toxoplasmosis


22.          Regarding amblyopia, all TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     It means no light perception          (جمله مستفزه جدا)

b.    …………………..

c.     …………………..

d.    ……………………

e.     ……………………


23.          Child with refractive power the right eye is +5 and the left is +1 should be treated by:

a.     Occlusion

b.    Fully corrected

c.     Partially corrected

d.    Uncorrected

e.     ………………………


24.          The strongest wall of the orbit is:

a.     Medial wall

b.    Lateral wall

c.     Floor

d.    Roof

e.     ………………


25.          The lacrimal fossa is formed by (ONE TRUE):

a.     Zygomatic bone

b.    Maxillary process of the frontal bone

c.     ……………..

d.    …………………

e.     …………………..


26.          The main bone in the floor of the orbit is:

a.     Maxillary bone

b.    Frontal bone

c.     Zygomatic bone

d.    Sphenoid bone

e.     Ethmoid bone


27.          In chemical burns management all TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     Neutralize eye by alkaline

b.    Irrigation by water

c.     Use topical steroids

d.    Patch the eye

e.     Use antibiotics and cycloplegics


28.          The best strabismus examination is:

a.     Gonioscopy

b.    Cover\uncover test

c.     Light reflex

d.    ……………………

e.     ………………………


29.          The following are features of closed angle glaucoma EXCEPT:

a.     Deep anterior chamber

b.    Mid dilated unresponsive pupil

c.     Hazy cornea

d.    Ciliary flush

e.     …………………….


30.          Glaucoma, all can be used for diagnosis EXCEPT:

a.     Gonioscope

b.    Retinoscope

c.     Ophthalmoscope

d.    Perimeter

e.     Tonometer


31.            Commonest cause of blindness in Saudi Arabia is:

a.     Cataract                                

b.    ……………

c.     ……………..

d.    ……………..

e.     ………………..

(انتبهوا ما قال unilateral blindness فإذا ذكرها تكون الإجابة  TRAUMA)


32.          Most common presentation of senile cataract is:

a.     Zonular cataract

b.    Nuclear cataract

c.     Coronary cataract

d.    Morgagnian cataract

e.     Posterior subcapsular cataract


33.          Most common presentation of cataract due to steroid is:

a.     Posterior subcapsular cataract

b.    Zonular cataract

c.     Nuclear cataract

d.    Morgagnian cataract

e.     Coronary cataract


34.          Presbyopia, all FALSE EXCEPT:

a.     Corrected by minus lens

b.    More common in children

c.     Is not in 10 years old children

d.    …………………….

e.     …………………………..


35.          Acute dacryocystitis in adult is caused by:

a.     Candida albican

b.    Gram +ve organisms                  (Staph. Aureus)

c.     Gram –ve organisms

d.    Virus

e.     …………………………


36.          Potent cycloplegic:

a.     Atropine 1%

b.    Scopolamine

c.     Cyclopentolate 1%

d.    Tropicamide

e.     …………………


37.          In marfan’s syndrome, all TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     Dissecting aortic aneurysm

b.    Joint laxity

c.     Inferonasal sublaxation of the lens    (Sublaxation is upwards, but I don’t know is it temporal or nasal, ask the doctor)

d.    …………………..

e.     ……………………


38.          True coloboma, all TRUE EXCEPT:

a.     Usually infrotemporal

b.    …………….

c.     ………………

d.    ……………..

e.     …………….


39.          Timing of cataract surgery depends on (ONE TRUE):

a.     Patient’s need

b.    If the patient request

c.     If it is complicated only

d.    ………………….

e.     ……………………


40.          Weakest point in the fibrous tunic of the eye is:

a.     The points of muscular insertion       (وجدت إجابة هذا السؤال في كتاب MCQ)

b.    The corneo-scleral junction

c.     The equator

d.    Lamina cribrosa

e.     Ora serrata


41.            Presbyopia (ONE TRUE):

a.     Corrected by plus lens

b.    Corrected by minus lens

c.     Due to increased accommodation

d.    Due to ciliary muscle spasm

e.     ……………………..


42.          The treatment of cataract caused by diabetes is:

a.     Control of diabetes by diet

b.    Surgical

c.     Medical control of diabetes

d.    ……………………

e.     ………………………


43.          Regarding refractive power of the eye (ONE TRUE):

a.     Does not change with age

b.    Refractive power of the cornea is double the refractive power of the lens

c.     ……………………….

d.    ……………………

e.     ………………





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